Anywhere should you stand on the golf tee box when your partner must be hitting?


Creativeness tee-box etiquette rule: rack still.

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Corey, a reader from Scottsdale, writes:

A buddy of mine set it up grief the other day for valeur directly behind him relating to the tee. He said I’d distracted him and blamed me for the block my husband hit into the desert. Provides I at fault?

Dear Corey:

Play this actions for long enough and you have mastered that many people who struggle to find fairways are extraordinary at finding excuses . Enduring hit a poor shot, how quickly they scour the house landscape for an explanation other than their own unique ineptitude!

Level, though, you made the mistake of making it easy as part of your friend.

golfer teeing set up ball

The main Etiquetteist: Are first-tee reason ever acceptable?

By: Josh Sens

He seldom had to search at all.

Naturally, he ascribed you. But does that mean you were really in the enirely wrong?

Most likely, not actually.

The Etiquetteist believes that it’s practical game to stand anywhere you want on the tee when a different inividual is hitting, other than outside (in which case, chances are to soon go from popularity to lying supine spot hospital bed), provided anyone is not standing so close they can smell your breath or it may be feel it on their back. And provided you are espèce still.

In real time behind. To either sided. It shouldn’t matter.

So long as you’re at some safe distance and you aren’t moving, your presence is little different than that of a not moving cart, or a ball washer or any number of inanimate goods one encounters on a type.

If a wooden had been standing directly the rear your buddy, would your man have blamed it about his bad drive?

Well, hmm…maybe although have.

megaphone talking to golf ball

The Etiquetteist: Golf-ball talking can irritate that partners. Here’s how to generate it doesn’t.

By: Josh Sens

Which gives to the more important takeaway. Are generally is a hard game. Disappointment is inevitable. Also predictably is that some people will don’t take responsibility for their longs fo.

Should you see that you are paired with one of their generous, you have two choices.

You can take great soreness to always remain using their peripheral vision, standing upright far away and at their base whenever they are hitting. You might as well do something more realistic furthermore stay still when they are bumping while standing pretty much all over you wish.

In the end in the round, it is likely that heading hold you accountable for the right portion into the woods , one particular smother hook into the rain, a top, a chunk, even a new great outright whiff.

They will use you as an official excuse. They will tell you you simply were standing in the wrong set.

At which point, require offer an excuse of your own & tell them that The Etiquetteist accepted your positioning was exquisitely okay.

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A playing, food and travel writer, Josh Sens has been a GOLF Parade contributor since 2004 and now ensures across all of GOLF’s tools. His work has been anthologized in The Best American Sportswriting. He is also the co-author, with Sammy Hagar, to Are We Having Almost any Fun Yet: the Fixing and Partying Handbook.