Padraig harrington, toilet paper and one of the funniest Ryder Cup all the stories you’ll hear

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods hitting a suitable tee shot in 2002.

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Oh no. And even oh yes.

To start with, oh no. It’s the first day using the 2002 Ryder Cup towards the Belfry in England, and Tiger Woods and Paul Azinger are about to play Darren Clarke and consequently Thomas Bjorn in foursomes when Woods visits often the clubhouse. We’ll let Lee Westwood take it onwards to the next step. On this week’s episode with all the Off the Hook podcast, he was wanted to know by host Jimmy Bullard about his former charrette, Billy Foster , and we have been completely gifted this gem.

“One of the best stories Billy tells is probably from the Ryder Cup doing 2002 at the Belfry, ” Westwood said on the podcasting. “First morning, you get the actual morning nerves, don’t the person? So they’re all of the putting green outside the Belfry there. And Billy establishes that he needs to — my husband needs to have a number two. Meaning there’s a toilet just ınside the door of the clubhouse but off he trots.

“And Darren Clark simon and Thomas Bjorn, they’re playing Tiger Woods and some other person, can’t remember who this [Azigner]. He meetings sit into — there exists two traps, and he disappears and sits in retain one, pulls his pants down, looks to the side, there exists no toilet roll. The case quickly pulls ’em up, goes around into trap number two. Next thing, he sat downwards like that, and he’s cleaning his backside, and he learns this ‘tick, tick, tick’ — of spikes — on the tile floor. From this day forward there’s not many people who dress in spiked shoes anymore during those times, so he knows what person it is. It’s Tiger, isnt it?  

“Tiger’s felt the need to go forward [laughs]. So he says, ‘Should I tell him or not? No, I’ll not be sure he understands. ’ So he we can him do his business and then look to the side, simply not true toilet roll and let along with a little whimper, like, oh no. So Billy says, ‘Shall I leave him? ’ So he said to themself, ‘Shall I leave the doctor, or shall I better a man out? ’ 

“So he unrolls a few sheets, puts it in door like that, and he pushes it off him, and goes, ‘Europe, one up. ’” 

“Is that what he celebrity fad? ” laughed Bullard, a previous professional soccer player. “What one legend! Billy, I love you and your family. Ah, that’s class. ”

Oh no to work with Woods. Oh yes for those who enjoy a good yarn. We’ve over heard some colorful stories with this 15-time major winner in the recent years, and this is one of the better games. In the end, Woods and Azinger lost the opening-day go, and Europe defeated our own U. S.  

“He’s got some terrific stories, ” Westwood alleged of Foster.  

To listen to the entire podcast — and it’s definitely worth a listen — go to below.  

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