Tag Archives: Practice

How to practice to improve (part 1)

I’m going to help you out by doing some posts on how to practice to actually improve your golf game and lower your scores. These tips that I’m going to give you are not going to be your typical type of tips on how to improve by practicing. And if you’re in the routine of…

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Make Time to Be On Time

I hate feeling rushed, thus I hate being late for anything. That overwhelming feeling of being the last to show up for something just adds to my already high anxiety level. That’s what’s so incredibly stupid about it…it’s something I can control. Avoiding the nerves that come with being flustered and rushed are totally avoidable.…

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3 Shots Every Player Must Have

The key to playing better golf is hitting better shots. As you roll your eyes and curse me for that awesome dose of obviousness, allow me to elaborate. To get over the hump and break the cusp of being a better player, you need to have some shots to rely on in certain situations. Having…

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5 Biggest Misconceptions in Golf

You hit it better when you swing slower No you don’t. Never say slow. Instead think smooth. You hit it better when your tempo is nice and smooth. You still want speed. Even on a chip shot. Speed is the great equalizer. The key is to swing as fast as you can while still being…

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