Tag Archives: learning to play golf at 60

Golf Tips and Tricks

Increasing Your Golf Swing Clubhead Speed Isn?t Everything

449 ?I want to increase my golf swing clubhead speed!? I hear this one all the time from the members of my golf-trainer.com site and golfers sending me emails. I want to be a ?straight? shooter (pardon the pun) right now. Increasing your golf swing clubhead speed is not everything! golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf…

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learn to play golf in a week

Proper Attitide Is The Key To Your Golf Game

503 Attitude – having a good and proper attitude can be the key to your golf game and to whether you play well or not. Whether you do well on the golf links, whether you play a good golfing game with your buddies ,or play or not play a good game of golf at a…

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A Golf Coach Is Important If You Want To Improve Your Game

405 Why would anybody need a golf coach when most of the famous golfers of old developed their game pretty much on their own? And besides, wouldn?t a golf coach take away all the fun of the game and make the whole thing too serious to call a leisure activity anymore? golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

How To Choose Golf Clubs That Has Grip Suit You The Most

417 The most important factor that can affect to the quality of your play and affect to the distance of your shot and the accuracy is the size of grip. If you are a golfer who are looking for the set of golf club that has grip that most suit to your play, this article…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

Increase Your Rotational Strength For A More Powerful Golf Swing

500 Every golfer dreams of a fluid, unhindered golf swing. So why do so few of us actually achieve it? golf swing, golf rotation, golf exercises, golf core, golf power, golf flexibility, golf stretches Every golfer dreams of a fluid, unhindered golf swing. So why do so few of us actually achieve it? The culprit…

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