Tag Archives: learn to play golf

3 Strategies To Improving Your Golf Game

436 Why should you work on improving your golf game? For one, the next time that you head out onto the green with your boss you won?t feel like a complete fool when he starts talking about his skills. And, you?ll be able to brag to your buddies about how you came out under par.…

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Golf Courses

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of golf courses all around the world. With the popularity of the game rising, you can find golf courses in even the smallest of towns ? or, at the very least within a short driving distance. Have you ever wondered what golf courses are ranked as the top golf…

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learn to play golf in a week

Perfecting Your Performance On The Golf Course

439 The obstacles you face on the golf course range from sand traps to water and trees. Even though you will not usually encounter more than one obstacle during the game, having to move your golf ball from behind a tree or trying to get it out of a sand trap could end up costing…

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junior golf

The equation of Junior golf + beginners + equipment

Junior golf + beginners + equipment = quite the equation for sports fanatics. In order to correctly supply an answer and conclusion for the above problem, it is very important to identify each of the individual portions of the equation. This will allow us to understand the essential pieces of each factor, which will help…

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3 Sure Fire Ways to Generate More Power off the Tee

314 Power can be elusive to golfers. Is true power generated through technique, strength or something more? Every golfer wants more power, more distance, more consistency. Here are 3 ways to generate the kind of power you have only dreamed of?until now. golf power, core golf, fitness for golf, golf exercises, increase drive distance, strength…

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