Tag Archives: Golf Courses

The Dr. Is In

March 8th is National Women’s Day. The day is meant to commemorate and celebrate female pioneers who stood up and fought for the rights of women’s equality everywhere. To go hand-in-hand with February’s Black History Month, I’d like to talk about a historical woman of color who resides just 45 minutes from me in Canton,…

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I tend to lean more towards being a traditionalist. I don’t love change. I’ll eventually embrace it, but historically it has taken awhile for me to accept, adjust, and get used to it. It takes a lot of convincing for me to get on board, but it is possible. So as you can imagine, I…

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The Match Fell Flat

Give me televised professional golf any day of the week and I’ll probably watch, especially on a course that I’ve only looked at through inebriated eyes. But the most recent installment of Capital One’s The Match fell flat. In a “made for tv” move the powers that be decided to make it a 12-hole match…

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