Category Archives: Improving Your Swing

Core Exercise For Golf Will Improve Your Driving Distance The Quickest

387 Core exercise for golf. You?ve probably heard this phrase mentioned on the television a time or to. This is the area that Vijay works on the most with his golf trainer and it seems to be working for him. He?s driving it longer and straighter and winning tournaments. golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf…

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Conditioning For Golf Produces A Powerful Golf Swing

525 Conditioning for golf sounds like an oxymoron doesn?t it? But let me ask you this. Do you feel stress in your body during or after a golf swing? I?m referring to physical stress. The muscles tightening; the lower back stiffening; the joints aching; or just plain physical fatigue. The reason I ask is to…

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Components Of A Golf Exercise Program

313 Golf exercise program – with the exploding number of so-called golf fitness experts these days, it becomes very confusing. It’s easy for a golfer to be misled and end up in a program that will hardly have the desired objective of improving their game. golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips Golf…

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Components Of An Effective Pre-Shot Routine

828 Developing consistency isn?t easy. It?s especially difficult for golfers whose practice time is limited by their work and/or their families. But there are some things that these golfers can do to help themselves develop consistency, even when they?re unable to get to a range or are on the road traveling. One is practicing their…

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Common Golf Injuries

All sports tend to have injuries that go hand in hand with the sport; the problem becomes learning what is typical to occur and learning exactly how you can avoid the injuries in order to really ensure that you are as healthy and safe as possible out on the green. One of the best things…

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