Category Archives: Golf Tips and Tricks

Golf Tips and Tricks

Learn About Buying Golf Clubs For Kids

506 So you think your child is the next Tiger Woods or Michelle Wie? Or maybe you simply wish to share the game of golf with your child? Either way, getting kids started in golf can be confusing even for the seasoned golfer, especially when it comes time for buying clubs for kids. Buying golf…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

Choosing Between Top Golfing Accessories

When you are confronted with may different golfing accessories, it can be easy to lose site of your goals and just become overwhelmed by all of the various options. If you want to spend your cash well and get golf accessories that will be handy, you should follow some guidelines that I will construct here.…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

Assets You Can Make use of For Picking Golf Clubs

Picking the right golf clubs is usually never easy, yet it is unquestionably something that is really worth the effort you put into it. The more time you invest researching the opportunities and testing out various golf clubs, the greater satisfied you will be with the final choice that a person makes. So whenever you…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

Handling Tee Box Pressure In Golf

959 If you?ve played golf for any length of time, you have undoubtedly encountered a situation or two which made you nervous. This phenomena is called ?tee box pressure?, or TBP for short. Perhaps it?s happened when you were getting ready to hit your tee shot off #1 with a dozen people watching. Maybe it…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

How To Practice Golf Properly

868 Practicing your golf game properly is vital to improving. Knowing how to practice increases self-confidence, reduces scores, and lowers golf handicaps. It also increases the fun of playing as you see your scores drop on each round. I consider it so important that I discuss how to practice with all my students during golf…

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