Category Archives: Golf Tips and Tricks

Golf Tips and Tricks

It May Not Be Your Golf Swing Thats Rubbish

674 You could be making a big mistake blaming your mishits and mishaps on your golf swing? No matter how much time and effort you have been spending, grooving your golf swing to perfection, you still will not achieve your goal if you are using unsuitable or defective golf clubs, will you? Now is the…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

How to Eliminate Your Golf Slice Quickly and Easily

644 Try to keep your leading shoulder “down” on the ball through impact. This is called staying strong through impact. Many times the leading shoulder (left shoulder if right handed) flies up before impact. Now just for a minute, think about what that does to the club head when it’s in the impact zone. golf…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

Is Your Golf Swing Too Long?

524 Is your backswing too long? The majority of inexperienced players I see have too long of a backswing. So why would so many people have such long swings? It all boils down to Human Nature. Human Nature says that the longer you swing the farther you will hit the ball. If this were true,…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

How To Drive The Golf Ball Straighter And Longer With Golf Fitness Exercises

1041 This is probably a burning desire of most every golfer on the planet. The desire to drive the golf ball farther and straighter, allowing us to lower our golf scores on the golf course. One of the keys to driving golf the straighter and longer is a golf fitness program. This type of a…

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Golf Tips and Tricks

Is This The Worst Golf Tip Ever?

523 How many times, when you were struggling out there on the golf course, have you been offered a golf tip? It seems that there are a whole bunch of golfers who just cannot help themselves from passing on their own personal favorite golf tips when they see a fellow golfer struggling. For one friend…

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