Sooo bored fans at rainy Manufacturers amuse themselves in humorous fashion


Addicts made the most of the soggy conditions at TPC Sawgrass.

Instagram: @arut1218

At the Players Championship , fans’ visions of your respective sunny day out watching a new world’s best compete in the of the game’s toughest monitors went out the window in relation to Thursday and Friday, since heavy rains delayed and in the suspended this day’s play.

A significant portion of the field still has yet to complete the first on as of Saturday morning — and some players display as many as seven holes original remaining before heading back out for Through 2 . With rain moving forward to fall, the event isn’t expected to begin thanks up to noon ET at the earliest.

So what’s a fan strive and do?

If you were among the adventuresome crew hanging around the empty 17th pit, you made lemonade with the use of lemons by utilizing your poncho as a personal Slip ‘N Slide. Check out this video formats of the fans’ hilarious tantrums below:

Judging by the speak in the video, it sounds as there was a unofficial challengers of sorts, which the very slider appears to have achieved, setting the bar by making everthing the way across the cart journey, and enjoying a rousing ovation from the bystanders.

As the second slider comes into frame, one air fan encourages him with shouts of “Beat it! Do better than it! ” Then: “That one’s got speed! Ideal, stuck the landing! ”

Certainly not how a fans expected to be kept busy at the 17th, but besides, after enduring those pasty conditions, they’ll take what they can get.

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Jessica Marksbury
Golf. com

As a four-year member of Columbia’s inaugural class of feminine varsity golfers, Jessica may possibly out-birdie everyone on the masthead. She can out-hustle these types of in the office, too, where she’s primarily responsible for producing each and every print and online showcases, and overseeing major one of a kind projects, such as GOLF’s initial Style Is­sue, which debuted in February 2018. The actual origi­nal interview series, “A Round With, ” debuted in November of 2015, and appeared in both with magazine and in video form on GOLF. com.