‘I don’t think it’s valued the risk’: Why this unique 17th hole pin job position is unusable at Companies this week


Our own front-right of the 17th environment friendly will be a no-go zone towards the Players Championship this week.

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The forecast designed for our week’s Players Championship : wet and windy that has a strong chance of more Bay Hillian carnage .

Rain is slated on roll into the Ponte Vedra area Wednesday afternoon and not simply relent until Sunday. Fantastic air and wind will be upon us soon, too. By Saturday, situation will be in the low-50s by working with wind gusts of —  retain your hats, boys! — up to 25 mph.

The conditions will make personal life difficult not only for the units but also for the officials who are responsible for setting up the route. One particular predicament: hole spots on the island green at the Ground course’s signature par-3 17th . High on the Tour’s list of things to avoid is often balls spinning and/or ruining off the green and in the water.

How your Tour’s setup sharpies could be strategizing about 17 reached light in a Hard Knocks -style behind-the-scenes video the Gira propagated on social media . (Note to the Tour: more of all of these videos, please! ) The main footage shows a handful of Tour-types sitting around a conference table earlier this week, including Gary Young, VP, rules and so competition, and Robby Ware, senior tournament referee.  

“What’s your thinking entirely on 17? ” Young expresses to Ware.

“I’m thinking right now I’m at best going to go down front-left on Saturday, ” Ware says about his intended pin site. “I’m going to have couple of up top. If we’re playing through the rain, I don’t think it makes any reason for to use that lower-right found on Thursday and Friday. ”

“We all know where it’s going to go on Sun., ” he added, with reference to the traditional back-right location on the inside fourth round. “So plausibly back-center and back-left times 1 and 2 . Dont really think it’s worth possibility to use that front-right. ”

This Golfing Channel graphic from 2019 gives you a good sense about the green’s swales, and how in depth players need to be to get or perhaps tee shots close to the traditional hole locations. When its cold and breezy, their shots get that much more painful —  yes, even if they’re just only, in the case of the front stakes, less than 130 yards.  

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The 17th green towards the Stadium course.

Golf Channel/NBC

“That Saturday afternoon may perhaps be the day we need to just see and see what the forecast reports, ” Ware said.

The players will be on the, too. Well, some of them.

“I don’t go too wrapped up in the win or what’s the weather will be like Friday or discover what is the wind going to be, because after the day, weather people are wrong frequently, ” defending champion Justin Betty said Tues. “There’s no reason of commuting too wrapped up in it. ”

He might undergo differently, of course , should he also arrive on the 17th tee with a 25-mph wind gusting into him.

“I’ve heard horror articles from Tiger and Freddy and some guys about required to hit 5- or 6-iron into 17 on these types of cold north wind 24 hour periods, ” Thomas said. “When you get wind and impressive temperatures like that, it’s easliy found . different animal, and it is a really just a survival-type solution. ”

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Alan Bastable

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As GOLF. com’s manager editor, Bastable is responsible for our own editorial direction and singing voice of one of the game’s looked upon and highly trafficked funny news and service sites. Your ex boyfriend wears many hats —  editing, writing, ideating, building up, daydreaming of one day breaking 80 —  and senses privileged to work with such an very talented and hardworking numerous writers, editors and brand names. Before grabbing the reins at GOLF. com, having been the features editor at THE ACTIVITY OF GOLF Magazine. A graduate while using the University of Richmond nicely Columbia School of Blogging, he lives in New Jersey regarding his wife and foursome of kids.